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  • Celebrating Carnival in a wheelchair, that's doable! | MUNISA ELEPHANTI

    < Back Facebook X (Twitter) WhatsApp LinkedIn Pinterest Copy link Celebrating Carnival in a wheelchair, that's doable! Monday 15 January 2024 Carnival, or as I prefer to call it, 'Vastelaovend', is originally a Roman Catholic festival that takes place in the three days preceding the forty days before Eastern. Beyond the fact that I cannot deny that there is a lot of drinking and eating during this period, Vastelaovend means much more to me than that. Vastelaovend is the moment to dress up as your favorite idol, animal, or something you find hilarious. But you can also dress up to portray something. Political jokes, clichés, puns, or stereotypes are often used for that. In Sittard (Zitterd), we call it 'laammaekerie', which translates to ‘roasting’. I find it one of the most enjoyable things there is. Just not taking everything seriously and letting go, and sometimes maybe being a bit serious without anyone realizing it. Apart from that, I love the music! Click on the related content button below, to dive in! Sittard celebrates Vastelaovend for a full six days! On Thursday evening, the women attend the 'auw wieverbal', dressed unrecognizably to play pranks on the men. Think of a group of women dressed as Rembrandt who happen to have some leftover makeup. Friday is for the schoolchildren and students. Saturday is the 'kanon van het balkon' (cannon from the balcony), where at 11:11 PM, the key handover takes place between the mayor and the prince of that year. On Sunday (the original first day of carnival), we have a big parade. Various groups and floats parade through the city center. Monday is the 'Tröötekonkoer' (Trumpet Contest). Various bands and orchestras play in the cafes and on the market. On Tuesday afternoon, it's the 'appelesiene sjmiete' (orange throwing), where oranges are actually thrown to children if they shout 'APPELESIENE' loud enough. In the evening, the mask is buried, and the real die-hards even shed a tear with the prince. In short, how do I participate in such a schedule? It seems impossible, but believe me, with making choices, more is possible than you think. In recent years, I have celebrated Vastelaovend mostly in a wheelchair. Because my illness is quite variable, it can be difficult for others to assess exactly where we stand (or sit). The crutches are for indoors, the walker for short walks and the possibility to sit, and the wheelchair (now electric) is safest for me and my surroundings. I noticed that sometimes, the environment finds it more challenging than you do, or let me put it this way: you have gone through this process much earlier than your environment. By talking openly and accepting that it can sometimes be a challenge for everyone, you prevent people from feeling unhappy or you are feeling unhappy. Do you celebrate Vastelaovend outdoors or indoors? Is there a public toilet or do you have to go to a café? How crowded is it there, and what route is best for me to take? These are all things to consider. Wherever possible, try to take the surroundings into account. If you have never celebrated Vastelaovend or you are new to a city, don't let that scare you off. Even I, who has been walking or sitting around Sittard for many years, have heard both the most beautiful and ugliest words thrown at me. Actually, this experience is no different from attending a festival or any event where many people come together. Some find it brilliant that you dare to go out, and others find it scandalous that you take up so much space in such a crowd. I noticed that younger people were much more open to me, the wheelchair, and my group of friends than the older revelers. There, it was mainly: 'Wouldn't you be better off staying home?' In this way, I would also like to sit in a wheelchair... There are more contradictions. Where there was no public wheelchair-accessible toilet, I always get help from my family and friends. I don't think you can plan everything in that regard. Everyone has fun, maybe drinks a bit too much sometimes, joins in the polonaise a bit too enthusiastically, and experiences 'oops, this is not a passage', but you, from whatever position you are in, go along just as eagerly. I got really angry once because someone was being so mean to both me and my surroundings because I was taking up too much space. But otherwise, I really didn't, because it doesn't make any sense. It only makes it harder for yourself. In all honesty, the electric wheelchair is not the most comfortable tool for me yet. I can't do it alone. Not even with just my assistance dog; it's simply inaccessible. I hope that this really changes and is taken into account with new renovations. An accessible restroom would already be wonderful. But if you focus on what you're doing, namely, having fun, then you won't have time for that. MUNISA ELEPHANTI wishes you a joyful Vastelaovend! Related content Previous Next

  • Winter is coming, but in my heart, it's summer! | MUNISA ELEPHANTI

    < Back Facebook X (Twitter) WhatsApp LinkedIn Pinterest Copy link Winter is coming, but in my heart, it's summer! Monday 27 November 2023 My favorite destination is undoubtedly Ibiza. So cliché, but the relaxation I experience there is so intense. I want to particularly talk about the last week of a vacation. My husband left a week earlier than me due to work. I had long wanted to turn my stay into a mindfulness/retreat/silence week, and this was my chance... It resulted in some very special experiences. For several years, I've been focused on conscious living, something that makes my limitations bearable in difficult times. I've taken mindfulness courses, been on a retreat, attended yoga classes, and much more. (Click on the related content button below, if you like to get more inspiration) Hence, I didn't really choose a name for this week, so I'd like to mention the mix for you. I combined everything I've learned throughout my life to get closer to myself during the last week in Ibiza. Lots of meditation, 'walking' (getting dropped off at a place but mentally walking, weird huh, but yes, it really works!), eating healthy, living with the sun not the clock, no phone, no social media, no conversations with people from home. In short, if you feel lonely, don't call home but find it there. In some cases, stepping out of your comfort zone. A storm is approaching, and my body starts sounding the alarm like a weatherwoman. It's something I've had my whole life. As soon as there's a storm, thunder, or something similar approaching, my right shoulder starts to tense up, and before you know it, my whole body. Normally, this is a moment when I'd lie in bed and entertain myself with TV and social media. But yes, I had agreed not to do that. So, I didn't. But I noticed that, for example, Facebook gives me a feeling of being 'in the know'. So, if I don't look, am I not in the know? And all those people I can't congratulate!! That's really not fun! Of course, celebrating every day that you're alive is best, but your birthday is special. What many people don't know is that it takes a lot of hand function to make this possible. Even the standard 'congratulations' under my phone's copy button I rarely did because even that costs too much energy. So, I quickly realized how ridiculous this actually was. So much energy to congratulate on Facebook! There's no better place than Ibiza to accept this. There are just things in life that many people often do constantly but due to my limitations are simply not possible. Even though nowadays you can dictate a lot more, one must consider that you still need a hand function level for that. For example, I can't always dictate on WhatsApp because my voice is getting harder to understand...! But okay, back to accepting. I'm so in the Ibiza flow that not using social media is pretty easy. I'm sitting in the most beautiful places with my assistance dog by my side (so safe). I smell the sea, feel the wind through my hair, and everyone radiates. It'll be much harder at home where all I know is 'Winter is coming'..! The difference is we're not there now, so stay in the now. I have to laugh at myself as I write this, but seriously... Stay in the now!! I go to my favorite spot in Ibiza for the last time to imprint the moment in my mind so that I can return to this place from anywhere in the world. I meditate for a long time. I try to store everything I see in my mind. The birds flying past me as if I were one of them. The wind blowing over my face. In complete tranquility, we see a boat approaching. Very far away. As it gets closer, I burst out laughing! It's obviously a boat, not a little boat (I'm not very good at estimating). They sail peacefully along the coast out of my sight. More and more people come to stand beside me to see what I'm looking at. It doesn't annoy me; it even brings peace. It's too beautiful not to share. Some people don't see it; others sit down next to me and quietly watch. The sun slowly sets; it's time to go. Back home. 'Winter is coming' but in my heart, it's summer! Related content Previous Next

  • 404-foutpagina | MUNISA ELEPHANTI

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    < Back Keep Calma Date added: 6 Jul 2024 Duration: 120 - 240 min Category: Places Facebook X (Twitter) WhatsApp LinkedIn Pinterest Link kopiëren Introduction Do you LOVE fresh sea food with an amazing view?! Then put Calma Restaurant at the Marina Botafoch in Ibiza on your wish list. Description MUNISA ELEPHANTI loves to go out for a dinner. Especially with an amazing view and lovely staff. Calma Restaurant in Marina Ibiza is one of our favorites restaurants we must visit when we’re in Ibiza. When you enter Marina Botafoch, Calma is on the end. You walk by beautiful boutiques such as Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Loewe. There are wonderful yachts to look at but to most beautiful of all is the view on Dalt Villa (Ibiza old town). When the sun sets behind the mountain, it is happiness at instant. MUNISA ELEPHANTI advises you to make a reservation. Depending on the season they have two shifts for dinner. Of course you can also have lunch! We would start with a “copa de cava” at the right side of the restaurant. Relax in one of their lounge sets. Enjoy the view, music, people, boats, ferries, yachts even a couple of ducks are there to entertain you! The restaurant itself has two view options. The first as mentioned before Dalt Vila and the other side is the Lio venue with live entertainment. You can’t see a lot of the entertainment itself, but you can have a sense of the vibe that is going on there. The menu is full of Mediterranean dishes. At the entrance a staff member prepares delicious Jamón Iberico straight cut from the leg. Our favorite fish is the Gallo de San Pedro. It’s a single caught fish so you need to ask if they have any. Always fresh and cleaned at your table. Served with potatoes and vegetables. An absolute best dish ever! When you visit Ibiza visit Calma Restaurant and let MUNISA ELEPHANTI know how your experience was! Enjoy your meal! Happy NEW MOON! Related content Previous Next

  • Stichting Intermobiel | MUNISA ELEPHANTI

    < Back Stichting Intermobiel Date added: 4 Aug 2024 Duration: 1 - 15 min Category: Places Facebook X (Twitter) WhatsApp LinkedIn Pinterest Link kopiëren Introduction Intermobiel is a Dutch foundation for people with a disability. Denise has almost been an ambassador for 20 years, find out more! Description Intermobiel is a platform where you can find many different topics. For instance, how to raise children with a disability, education with a disability, housing, help, making friends, feeling alive and a really important topic that many people found strange: SEX with a disability! Even though the site is written in Dutch, it’s easy to translate with google to any language you prefer. Denise met Intermobiel at the first beaty pageant for people with a disability, called Mis(s) Verkiezing bij de AVROTROS Dutch television in 2006. This was the first time to bring disabilities in contact with a big audience and show that we girls look hot! The founder of Intermobiel is Veroni Steentjes. She is one of my closest friends throughout all these years. She had an accident in 1994 and has to lay in bed all day, every day. The last time she was able to go out was 10 years ago to celebrate Intermobiel’s tenth anniversary. This article is a tribute to Intermobiel and all the work that’s involved. Also, an opportunity to show more people all over the world about the people you can never meet. How can you meet somebody when all they have is their bed?!? can give you that connection. Veroni is currently working on a book about sex with a disability. I hope in the future it will be sold in many languages. Click on the link below to go directly to Intermobiel website. Learn, laugh, maybe donate everybody is free. Related content Previous Next

  • Mind Pictures Please | MUNISA ELEPHANTI

    < Back Mind Pictures Please Date added: 6 Jun 2024 Duration: 1 - 15 min Category: Body & Soul Facebook X (Twitter) WhatsApp LinkedIn Pinterest Link kopiëren Introduction With summer coming up we all need that special picture for our family or social media. What if you make a Mind picture this time?! Let me show you how! Description Having a picture of a moment you tressure can bring so much joy! Holding an old picture in your hand of your grandmother can bring you back to that moment when you were just a kid. Nowadays we can make pictures everywhere and every day. We don’t take the time to see what’s best. We just click and click. Afterwards we’ll pick one that’s the most ‘beautiful ‘one. MUNISA ELEPHANTI invites you to take one mind pictures this summer. Just ONE. You can click and send as many other pictures as possible for family, friends, and socials. Whether you’re enjoying a meal, sitting in the sand, swimming, or watching a sunset its all on you. Just look around at every detail. What do you see? Little birds? People laughing? A flower? What do you smell? Is it warm? Do you feel a breeze? Are you sitting in the sun? Maybe you are enjoying snow because you don’t like heat. Who is with you? A moment by yourself is also perfect. A mind picture doesn’t judge. The lighting is always perfect! You look perfect! Your hair, make-up, everything is amazing. That’s why mind pictures are so much fun! They can bring you back straight away. All because you used all your senses. You made a mindful picture that no one can take away from you. It will last forever in your mind. You can share your mind picture by telling them your experience and what you feel. People want to be in your mind picture because it sounds and feel like an amazing summer! MUNISA ELEPHANTI wishes you a happy NEW MOON and summer! On next FULL MOON I’ll share a personal mind picture. Fill in the contact form to be the first to be informed! Related content Previous Next

  • Goat Cheese Lolly’s | MUNISA ELEPHANTI

    < Back Goat Cheese Lolly’s Date added: 15 Sept 2023 Duration: 1 - 15 min Category: Food Facebook X (Twitter) WhatsApp LinkedIn Pinterest Link kopiëren Introduction This is an easy appetizer or amuse that you can create in various shapes and flavors. Description Ingredients Plate/bowl, skewers/toothpicks/fork, goat cheese, nuts (such as pistachios), walnuts, cranberries, raisins. I'm getting creative here with an additional flower mix for the edges because I want to try something new. MUNISA ELEPHANTI will get back to that later. Preparation Mix the nuts with the cranberries and raisins and finely chop them. Knead the mix with the goat cheese. Form small balls with your hands. Prepare your plate and skewers. Thread the goat cheese balls onto the skewers. Roll the balls in dried flowers or the crumbs of your nut mix and serve. Invite people over or take it with you and enjoy together! Click on the related conent button below for more floral inspiration. MUNISA ELEPHANTI says: Enjoy! Related content Previous Next

  • Follow the Cows to Sluiz | MUNISA ELEPHANTI

    < Back Follow the Cows to Sluiz Date added: 3 Sept 2024 Duration: 60 - 120 min Category: Places Facebook X (Twitter) WhatsApp LinkedIn Pinterest Link kopiëren Introduction Are you looking for a place to be inspired on Ibiza? Just “follow the cows” to Sluiz. At the “world’s wackiest concept store” you’ll be inspired by art, home decorations, clothing, accessories and much more! Description What a shock it was on 31st July, when MUNISA ELEPHANTI learned the news of one of my favorite places on Ibiza was forced to close its doors for good. It was a store that was able to excite me from the parking lot. Cows hanging in trees and special parking spots for special people. How wonderful it was that they recognize specialties in all people! Once you entered the store you entered a world of art, quirky statues and a touch of provocation. Something MUNISA ELEPHANTI can relate to. When you walked through the entrance of the store, you were overwhelmed by all the products that are on display. From rustic furniture to pop art style art works, Sluiz had it all. Luckily for all of us, as MUNISA ELEPHANTI, Sluiz doesn’t take “no” for an answer and they have reopened their store ACROSS THE STREET 1st September 2024! So whenever you’re on Ibiza on the road from Santa Eulalia to Santa Gertrudis… Follow the cows to Sluiz! If you’re unable to visit their inspiring physical store, I am sure you’ll find some desirable items from the comfort of your own chair at home. Click on the related content button to visit their website. Related content Previous Next

  • Sitting Relaxation Exercise | MUNISA ELEPHANTI

    < Back Sitting Relaxation Exercise Date added: 1 Nov 2024 Duration: 1 - 15 min Category: Body & Soul Facebook X (Twitter) WhatsApp LinkedIn Pinterest Link kopiëren Introduction It's been a while since MUNISA ELEPHANTI shared a lying-down meditation exercise with you. Click on the related content button below if you missed it. Today, I'm sharing a seated meditation exercise that you can practice while reading. I wish you a relaxing reading experience. Description Sit properly: sit back, with your lower back against the chair. Keep your focus on the text. Nothing can distract you. Continue reading calmly. We'll go through all the muscles in your body slowly. Do you feel the contact points with the chair? Your buttocks, your back... Let all the muscles relax; the chair supports you. You are okay and safe. Slowly bring your attention to your breathing... Breathe in calm, even breaths... in... out... in... out... Feel that each breath brings more relaxation... in... out... Each exhale is a release. All tension flows out of your body. Let it go, it's okay... in... out... Now, focus on your arms and feel how, with each exhale, they might feel a bit more relaxed, warmer, colder, or heavier... in... out... Do your fingers tingle? Everything is okay, keep breathing calmly... in... out... As you continue to breathe calmly, shift your attention to your face. Relax your forehead... your eyebrows... your eyelids... your jaws... your mouth... with each exhale, you relax more and let go. When you're ready, we'll move on to the neck and shoulders. Breathe in... out... Feel the muscles responding here too; everything is okay, you can let go here as well. You will experience more and more relaxation in your own way... in... out... Do you feel your abdomen moving? Let go slowly here as well; breathe in... out... Your back also responds to the exercise, becoming more relaxed with each exhale as you let go. Muscles become warm, tingle, and feel heavier. Breathe in... out... in... out... Slowly, we move further down; your lower back relaxes... your thighs... your calves... your feet... all the way to the tips of your toes... in... out... in... out... Do your legs feel very heavy, or do they feel light, or maybe no difference at all? That's okay too. Breathe in... out... What signs of relaxation do you notice? Take a deeper breath and hold it for seven seconds. Let the air out slowly. Do you feel more relaxed? Breathe in and out calmly again. Now, try slowly moving from your toes back up to your head. How does your body feel now? You are still relaxing... in... out... in... out... Do you feel a bit drowsy? Or do you experience heaviness in your body? You are relaxing more and more. When you reach your head again, return to your breathing; how does it compare to the beginning? Breathe calmly... in... out... It's time to slowly start becoming aware of everything around you again. The chair you're sitting in, the room you're in. Slowly allow more stimuli. Breathe in... out... Your eyes can almost leave the text. You are fully present and refreshed for the day. MUNISA ELEPHANTI is proud of you for completing this relaxation exercise. Enjoy your day, wherever you are! Related content Previous Next

  • How to Handle a Low Battery | MUNISA ELEPHANTI

    < Back Facebook X (Twitter) WhatsApp LinkedIn Pinterest Copy link How to Handle a Low Battery Sunday 21 July 2024 Your battery is running low?! How does it look and how to fix it! Your battery is running low. Your battery is running low. Your battery is running low. Your battery is running low… Your battery is running low… Your battery is running low……LISTEN PLEASE Your battery is running low. Your battery is running low. Your battery is running low. HELLO?! ANYONE?! Your battery is running low. Your battery is running low. Your battery is running low. Your battery is running low…. Your battery is running low. Your battery is running low………. Your battery is running low. Your battery is running low. Your battery is running low. Your battery is running low. Your battery is running low. IF YOU’LL NOT RESPOND YOUR BATTERY WILL GO DEAD. Your battery is running low……………………………………………………………………Your battery is running low. Your battery is running low. Your battery is running low. YOUR BATTERY IS RUNNING LOW.. TRY MUNISA ELEPHANTI NEW MOON TO RELAX.. YOU NEED A BREAK!! Your battery is running low……………… - .. -.. - ________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________YOUR BATTERY IS DEAD! RECHARDGE ASAP!!!_______________________ __________________________________..-..-_________________..-..-..-___________________________...-…..-…-…..-.-………_____________________....-….-…..-…..-___________________________________________________________________________________...-.- KEEP RECHARDGING YOUR DOING AMAZING! MUNISA ELEPHANTI BELIEVES IN YOU! …………….-…………………..-……………..-…………..-………..-……………………………………………………-…………………………………………….-…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Your battery is charging…… Your battery is charging…. Your Battery is charging………… ……………. Your battery is charging…… Your battery is charging……………...Your Battery is charging………… MUNISA ELEPHANTI is so proud of you! You’re back in the game. Remember life can give you several hints that you need a change! For instance, a moment to relax, a sound bowl healing, a meditation, a walk or surround yourself with people you love. If you don’t listen to the signals your battery will go out. Everybody’s battery will go out if you don’t listen to your inner voice. This battery is absolutely not judgmental, and it can happen to everyone. On MUNISA ELEPHANTI NEW MOON you can find easy and quick handles to continue with! If you have any questions about this article. Feel free to contact MUNISA ELEPHANTI with the contact form below. Related content Previous Next

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