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Eurovision Song Contest

Date added:

8 May 2024


120 - 240 min




The Eurovision Song Contest began as a technical experiment in television broadcasting: the live, simultaneous, transnational broadcast that Europe has now been watching for nearly 70 years!


My family loves Eurovision since I can remember. Together on the couch, snacks, blankets, and music. I really enjoy all the different cultures and people. So many differences or no difference at all? There’s music you’ll may not like but you’ll can also find music you didn’t knew you liked.

Throughout the years Eurovision has evolved in many ways. Nowadays it’s a three-day event. With two Semi-Finals the first you unfortunately missed but no worries tomorrow (Thursday, 9th May, 21:00 CET) is the second Semi-Final with The Netherlands as one of the acts!

Joost Klein will represent us this year with his song called “Europapa”. Joost said in interviews that he wants to be a connector for all Europeans. His father thought him that boundaries a made up by people itself, so he and his team create a world made up by themselves. I absolutely love this song and I really hope (and believe) it will be in the finale on Saturday, 11th May 2024, 21:00 CET!

So, tune in this Saturday live from Malmö Arena in Sweden and click on the related button below to see the music video of Joost Klein performing “Europapa”.


Unfortunately Joost Klein was disqualified. I'll get back to this topic once all information is clear.

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