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I Can Buy Myself Flowers

Friday 29 September 2023

My adventure with a new assistance dog begins at the start of the full moon.

I Can Buy Myself Flowers

My third assistance dog. Let's call her "Vedra" (I will come back to this in a later FULL MOON story, click on the related content button below). Everything I need in the form of an assistance dog will now come to fruition. With gratitude, I entered this adventure. With gratitude, I let go of my dearest second service dog (Louis). Knowing that he has ended up in the most wonderful family in Sittard. They are important to both Leroy and me, and they can give him the role he deserves. Louis is the happiest 'pensionado' there is. Of course, that doesn't mean that I don't miss him terribly and often feel sad. Truly loving someone also means knowing when to let go in love. This feels a thousand times better than with Lola, who could enjoy her retirement for such a short time.

Slowly we enter a waning moon. A period that stands for relaxation, peace, acceptance, wisdom, sharing, and above all, "let it be." Exactly that is what Vedra and I are doing. Just getting to know each other. Who are you? What do you like? What do you dislike? Do you feel safe? No judgment, just being. My trainer comes weekly to help me. She knows Vedra better than I do and has more than 30 years of experience. This gives me support in every request for assistance. That brings peace.

I Can Buy Myself Flowers

In the last quarter of the moon, it is important to face conflicts. Will you do everything the same, or have you learned from the previous period? Vedra and I are doing incredibly well. We are slowly climbing the mountain of love. She is eager to learn and work. I am the one who is damaged and the one who doubts. I walk outside with Vedra by my side. I walk as if she is about to pull a sled at any moment. However, she walks like an alpaca beside me. Louis, in the end, was like a sled dog for me!

The ashen moon is perhaps one of my favorite phases of the moon. All intentions have been fulfilled. Let's say, "new rounds and therefore new opportunities"! Life always teaches, even in a cycle of 28 days (let alone a quarter)! As Vedra gains more and more confidence in herself, her trainer and I give her confidence back 100 times! It is time to look at what we need together to grow into a top team!

Yes! Finally, a new moon! The moment to reflect and rest. Where do Vedra and I want to be at the next new moon? We love a "normal" retrieve. But grabbing slippers on command is 'next level' and super cool! By the way, did you know that she can also close a door? We were practicing, and it was going well. The next day, the trainer came to continue with opening the door... When the postman rang the doorbell, Vedra and I were in the middle of training. Enthusiastically, she showed that she could close it... But not open it... ;((( Nooooo!!! There I was in my hallway in my kaftan. Thank god my phone was in my hands so I could call someone. Luckily, my sister was able to open the door (shout out to Wommie!!). It was a drama then, now I find it hilarious!

It's already a young crescent moon again. Time really goes much faster looking back than looking forward! So nice to reflect each time among all the positive and negative things we experience in our lives. The experience of time always seems faster in hindsight than in the moment! That's why it's now extra important to dream wonderfully! Explore what the possibilities are. Especially within the always ready-made "no" (which is obvious when you have a disability). Now think big and make it concrete where possible!

The first quarter of the moon is perhaps one of the toughest... After dreaming nicely, doubt immediately sets in again. Can I do it? Am I asking too much? Am I worth it?! "Yes" to everything! Especially now! Trust yourself and trust each other. You are not just doing something. You are building! "They didn't build Rome in one day, they say!?" At this moment too, my environment and the trainer are essential! So, we booked a flight to Ibiza to fly for the first time with Vedra.

While the waxing moon still lets you celebrate a bit in doubt, it's important to stay on course! Your endurance is being tested now! Yes, we can! We make our first journey, our first flight. We enjoy everything together for the first time! First time sun, sea, beach, cava, tapas, and more! The only thought we manifest during this trip is: gratitude. I am grateful for Vedra in my life. Grateful for my husband, family, friends, the trainer, and you. I see it again!

I can buy myself flowers thanks to Vedrá!

I Can Buy Myself Flowers
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